In the context of PTA, Advocacy is support and speaking up for children – in schools, in communities, and before government bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children. Those who choose to lobby, to take their case directly to their elected representatives, represent one very important form of advocacy called “grassroots advocacy.” It is your right to lobby. Some would say it is your responsibility. Why? BECAUSE YOU WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
Parent Teacher Association is the largest volunteer organization working exclusively on behalf of children and youth.
Part of the PTA’s threefold mission is to speak on behalf of all children and youth before governmental bodies and other organizations. For over 100 years, PTA volunteers have used their time, energy, experience and knowledge to bring about changes in laws, policies and programs for the benefit of children.
PTA is nonpartisan and works to direct its efforts at members of all political parties in order to enact change. When PTA officers or lobbyists participate in legislative activities that educate lawmakers about officially adopted PTA positions, or support a particular piece of legislation that is in agreement with the PTA Legislative Program, it is done on a strictly nonpartisan basis.
Part of the PTA’s threefold mission is to speak on behalf of all children and youth before governmental bodies and other organizations. For over 100 years, PTA volunteers have used their time, energy, experience and knowledge to bring about changes in laws, policies and programs for the benefit of children.
PTA is nonpartisan and works to direct its efforts at members of all political parties in order to enact change. When PTA officers or lobbyists participate in legislative activities that educate lawmakers about officially adopted PTA positions, or support a particular piece of legislation that is in agreement with the PTA Legislative Program, it is done on a strictly nonpartisan basis.
If you have questions or would like to participate in advocacy activities please reach out to our Legislative Chair Katie Murphy via email at [email protected]
Join us at Florida PTA Legislative Conference!
Legislative Conference
Florida PTA’s Annual Legislative Conference, also known as “LegCon”, is designed to educate you about important pending state legislation and policy initiatives as well as provide you with direction on Florida PTA’s legislative strategy. Our advocacy efforts are based on our legislative priorities as well as National and Florida PTA Resolution/Position Statements and extend beyond the legislature to the Governor’s office and the Department of Education.
LegCon will include informative guest presenters, talking points for your meetings, and networking opportunities.
Who should attend?
Parents and other caregivers, teachers, students, Council and local unit PTA leaders, and other child advocacy allies and community members who are concerned about the education, health, safety, and well-being of all children.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect with PTA members and child advocates statewide!
Registration: TBD
Registration for students: TBD
Legislative Conference
Florida PTA’s Annual Legislative Conference, also known as “LegCon”, is designed to educate you about important pending state legislation and policy initiatives as well as provide you with direction on Florida PTA’s legislative strategy. Our advocacy efforts are based on our legislative priorities as well as National and Florida PTA Resolution/Position Statements and extend beyond the legislature to the Governor’s office and the Department of Education.
LegCon will include informative guest presenters, talking points for your meetings, and networking opportunities.
Who should attend?
Parents and other caregivers, teachers, students, Council and local unit PTA leaders, and other child advocacy allies and community members who are concerned about the education, health, safety, and well-being of all children.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect with PTA members and child advocates statewide!
Registration: TBD
Registration for students: TBD